At the free introductions

to meditation at Zen Kannon, the monk Lluís Nansen gives a
basic understanding about Zen, and some instructions for the practice of zazen
meditation. The introduction ends with a participation to a complete session of zen

Zen meditation

is a practice that helps us to discover the natural behavior of the mind,
which does not generate suffering. By these means we can be liberate from the
constraints and mental habits that generate feelings of anxiety and fear, or states of
stress and depression. This detachment leads to a state of calm and inner peace, in
which we can fully live the present moment.

Zen meditation is a practice based on ancient tradition that has been tested and
improved over the centuries by masters and wise of extraordinary quality. The practice
under the supervision of a master, and in the company of other practitioners, provides
all the necessary elements to reverse the behavior of the common mind, which is what
generates suffering.


begin at 18:30 h and end at 20:30h. It is recommended to arrive at 18:20,
Bring comfortable clothes to sit cross-legged. Book your introduction session by fill in
the form on this page or send an email to [email protected]
Reservations are required.

See the next free introductins here

Dojo Zen | Budismo Zen en Barcelona | Free Introductions

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    Dojo Zen | Budismo Zen en Barcelona | Free Introductions

    Where we are

    Dojo Zen | Budismo Zen en Barcelona | Free Introductions
    Dojo Zen | Budismo Zen en Barcelona | Free Introductions

    Curs de Meditació Zen

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    Dojo Zen | Budismo Zen en Barcelona | Free Introductions

    Curs Mindfulness Zen

    Curs Mindfulness basat en la tradició zen.

    Dojo Zen | Budismo Zen en Barcelona | Free Introductions

    Curs Dharma Zen

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    Dojo Zen | Budismo Zen en Barcelona | Free Introductions

    Retirs i Dies Zen

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