retir retiro zen retreat

Preparing for the meditation Retreat

We often leave the firm decision to participate in a meditation retreat until the last moment. Now, for example, with only a few months left until the Easter retreat in Catalonia, not far from Barcelona, it’s a good time to start preparing mentally and physically if we want to attend. If we truly wish to go, what steps should we take to get ready for preparing a retreat?

Don’t Leave It Until the Last Minute

Most people postpone this decision until the very last moment, neither reserving nor confirming their attendance at the retreat “just in case.” They wait in case something unexpected comes up, in case something better appears, or in case they lack enough money. This habit, fueled by the consumerist culture of leaving purchases to the last minute, prevents us from adequately preparing our minds and bodies because the decision hasn’t been firmly made.

Determination to Participate

The first thing we need is strong determination, and this determination is shown by reserving and even paying for the retreat months in advance, so we already feel fully committed. It’s true that unforeseen circumstances can arise—no one knows what tomorrow will bring. But strong determination will dispel most obstacles that might emerge. And if, in the end, attending is impossible, it’s fine—there’s no harm done. This firm decision allows us to begin preparing for the retreat.

retir espiritual zen meditacio desembre Preparar-se per al retir de meditació a la muntanya retiro preparar catalunya preparing retreat catalonia

“I Thought I Could Handle It”

The retreats we hold in Catalonia (Lluçà) are very intense, with many hours of meditation, and the zazen posture is physically demanding. This is why good preparation is essential, especially through regular meditation in the months leading up to the retreat. Some people come to the retreat after months without practicing zazen. “I’ve done these retreats before… I thought I could handle it… What’s happening to me?” The issue is that, without proper training of both body and mind, preparing the retreat becomes much harder to face. By the time we adjust, we might already be exhausted, or the retreat may be nearly over.

Preparing for the Retreat: Join Group Meditations

One of the first steps we can take is to participate in in-person and online meditations at the center. Meditating in a group allows us to absorb all the strength and energy of the aspiration for awakening—the bodhicitta—emanating from the group. Here is the link to the group meditations at the Zen Center Kannon in Barcelona. Solo meditations won’t give us the same energy, and we should rely on them only when group meditation is truly impossible while preparing the retreat.

Preparing for the Retreat: Attend City Retreats in Barcelona

Another valuable step is participating in city retreats. Every month, a retreat is organized at the Zen Center Kannon in Barcelona. The upcoming city retreats are:

These city retreats can be attended either fully or partially and serve as preparation for the Catalonia retreat. Even attending just one morning session provides insight into the rhythm of meditations and helps us gauge our preparation level, motivating us to improve in the months or weeks ahead.

A Sublime Experience

The quality of our experience during the retreat depends significantly on our preparation. Since we make the effort to attend, organizing our work and family commitments to be present, it’s worth coming well-prepared. Preparing for the retreat experience can be extraordinary, especially if we’ve taken the necessary steps to prepare.

Consult the Teachers

If you still have doubts about whether you’re ready, are unsure what you should do, or are eager to attend but uncertain if it’s feasible, it’s best to speak with the center’s teachers. They will likely be able to guide you, and if attending the next retreat in Catalonia isn’t possible, they can help you prepare for the following one. This is crucial in preparing for the retreat.

Wishing You Wonderful Retreats This Year,