vuit despertars eight awakenings

The Eight Awakenings of the Great Beings

Before his death, the Buddha gave his disciples one final teaching so they could continue on the path of full awareness eternally: the Eight Awakenings of the Great Beings. The great beings are the Buddhas, the awakened ones, those who follow the path of full awareness. Practicing these eight awakenings is the foundation of Nirvana. To fully understand this profound teaching, it is highly recommended to prepare through regular practice.

The Path of Full Awareness

In the West, we tend to see knowledge as something to acquire, accumulate, or collect. However, the Eight Awakenings represent a form of knowledge tied to a way of doing things, thinking, and observing. True understanding lies in this skillful practice with full awareness. For this reason, we cannot remain passive. If we stop here without continuing our practice, we will soon return to our old habits, bringing back stress and suffering. If we want to break free from the endless cycles of dissatisfaction—samsara—we must take action.

Zazen or Seated Meditation

To truly understand the Eight Awakenings, we must establish a consistent seated meditation practice—zazen.

📍 When should we meditate?

The best time is in the morning, as the first activity of the day, at sunrise. Practicing in a group is ideal, as it provides strong support. But if that is not possible, we can meditate alone at home, in a dedicated space.

Morning meditation positively influences the rest of the day. If morning practice is not possible, meditating at night, as the last activity before bed, is also beneficial. The truth is, any time is a good time for meditation.

Zazen, when practiced deeply, becomes a lifelong companion.

The Eight Awakenings Are Full Awareness

We can incorporate the wisdom of the Eight Awakenings into our daily activities through mindfulness.

Regularly practice grounding breaths to bring consciousness into all dimensions of being.
Stay connected to your breath, whether sitting, lying down, walking, resting, working, driving, talking, or listening—at any moment, in any posture.
Use walking meditation while commuting to work, university, or running errands to reconnect with your inner self.
Every moment is an opportunity to apply the teaching of the Eight Awakenings.

Dharma Workshop Details

📖 Based on the chapter “The Eight Awakenings of the Great Beings” from the book:
Lluis Nansen Salas, 2018, Mindfulnes Zen, la consciència de l’ara, edicions viena, barcelona

📅 Sunday, March 16, 2025
⏰ 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
👤 Led by Zen Master Lluis Nansen Salas

💰 Session fee:

30 euros (Non-members)
10 euros (Active members)
🔗 See full course details: [Dharma Course]

📩 Sign up for the Dharma Workshop

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