retir espiritual zen meditacio desembre

Meditation retreat in December

The December spiritual meditation retreat, Rohatsu Zen, is a special celebration in the Zen tradition that commemorates the enlightenment of the historical Buddha. This meditation practice takes place every year on December 8th, considered the eighth day of the twelfth month in the lunar calendar. During Rohatsu, Zen practitioners engage in intensive meditation sessions. The goal is to honor the Buddha’s enlightenment and deepen their own meditative practice.

These sessions during the December Zen spiritual meditation retreat can be physically and mentally demanding, as participants commit to meditating for long hours and observing strict silence. The time of year for the meditation retreat, at the end of autumn, is a period when the nights are longer, and this pervasive darkness, combined with the cool and damp winds from the forest, creates an atmosphere highly conducive to introspection.

Spiritual Retreat of the Buddha’s Awakening

The December spiritual meditation retreat emulates the six-day retreat that the Buddha undertook under the Bodhi tree before awakening with all beings upon seeing the morning star. This event gives the retreat a mystical air that Zen meditators particularly appreciate, considering it one of the best retreats of the year. Rohatsu is a very special occasion for Zen practitioners as it offers the opportunity to renew their commitment to meditation and the aspiration toward awakening. It is a celebration observed in Zen temples and other practice centers worldwide that follow this tradition.

Who Can Participate in the December Meditation Retreat

In principle, anyone who has practiced zazen in a group for a few months can participate in this December Zen spiritual meditation retreat. If you have doubts about your preparation for the retreat, it is best to consult the retreat organizers. While the practice may seem demanding, all initiated practitioners can participate. In the initial sessions of the December meditation retreat, many thoughts will continue to arise, but over time, the mind will calm down. Gradually, concentration will increase, awareness will expand, internal dialogue will diminish, and a sense of calm and mental peace will emerge.

Abandoning Body and Mind

During long meditation retreats, the experience that Dogen calls “abandoning body and mind” occurs. Abandoning body and mind means forgetting the self. When thoughts disappear, the thinker disappears because thought and the thinker are two sides of the same reality, interdependent and unable to exist without each other. This selfless samadhi is the unified mind that the Buddha experienced when he saw the morning star and awakened with all beings.

As concentration stabilizes, the resonance of these samadhi periods, however brief, completely fills our lives. The experience of forgetting the self is so profound that samadhi manifests in every gesture, every movement. It is evident when we walk, listen, or look. Everything in us expresses this joyful samadhi, especially during the December meditation retreat.

Rohatsu Zen Meditation Retreat in Lluçà

Arrival: Friday, December 5th, from 5:00 PM
Departure: Monday, December 8th, after lunch
This December meditation retreat promises to be an unforgettable experience, particularly for those interested in a December meditation retreat.

Led by: Zen master Lluís Nansen Salas
Cost: €185 (€145 Zen Kannon members)
The retreat will be held at Mas Curtius (Lluçà).

What to Bring:

Zafu, zabuton
Loose, dark clothing for meditation
Bowl, spoon, two large towels, and a small white towel
Bottom sheet, top sheet, and pillowcase, or a sleeping bag
This retreat consists of a few days of Zen practice amidst nature. During the sesshin, we practice Zen meditation and other activities in silence and with mindfulness. In doing so, we harmonize the serene and focused Zen mind with every moment of our lives. We learn to do this directly and intuitively, simply by following the practice at every moment.

Reserve your spot for the December spiritual meditation retreat.

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