koan zazenshin zazen shin

2025/10/11 koan zazen shin meditation workshop

What is a koan? In the zazen shin koan meditation, we will introduce the koan “polishing a tile.” A koan is a riddle used in Zen practice to help students transcend logic and attain a deeper understanding of reality. Koans are part of Zen teaching and serve as tools to provoke an experience of enlightenment…

koan mu

2026/01/17 Koan Mu meditation workshop

The meditation with koan “Mu” is one of the most well-known koans within the Zen tradition. A koan is a kind of riddle or paradoxical question used in Zen practice to induce the awakening of the mind. The koan “Mu” has its origin in a dialogue between Master Joshu and one of his disciples. Koan…