certificat instructor

2025/02/01 Start of Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Instructor. Course 2025

Why a Meditation and Mindfulness Instructor Certification? The Meditation and Mindfulness Instructor Certification is a theoretical and practical training that equips us to guide others in these practices. Sharing and teaching meditation to others is an act of generosity and compassion, offering undeniable benefits. However, if we are not properly prepared to teach, those we…

108 campanades, year-end

2025/12/30 Year-End Ceremony of the 108 Bell Tolls

It is an ancient tradition in Zen Buddhist temples to welcome the New Year with the celebration of the 108 bell tolls year-end ceremony. Why 108 bell tolls at year-end? The number 108 is considered sacred in Buddhism, representing totality and the completeness of the Universe. Among other uses, there are 108 beads in a…

koan zazenshin zazen shin

2025/10/11 koan zazen shin meditation workshop

What is a koan? In the zazen shin koan meditation, we will introduce the koan “polishing a tile.” A koan is a riddle used in Zen practice to help students transcend logic and attain a deeper understanding of reality. Koans are part of Zen teaching and serve as tools to provoke an experience of enlightenment…