Zen Kitchen

In this zen practice, we will mainly learn how to make the recipe for rice soup from the Zen tradition, GUENMAI. Full attention in each gesture, on one hand, respect for each of the ingredients, on the other hand, and ultimately, harmonizing with others, in silence. In conclusion, the spirit of the TENZO, that is, the cook, will reveal to us a way of living the kitchen with full mindfulness.

Zen Sewing

In this zen practice, we will mainly learn how to do Zen stitching. A form of meditation in action, mindfulness, that will surprise us with its ability to center and calm us. While we are stitching, we project the conditioning of our ego, which is revealed to us with clarity. In this way, the piece of fabric we are stitching becomes a mirror of our ego.

Zen practice Ritual

In this practice, we will especially learn how to perform the Zen ritual. A form of meditation and mindfulness in chanting that naturally and automatically harmonizes us with others. As soon as we play the instruments (bell, small bell, mokugyo, drum) and while we chant together, we project the conditioning of our ego, which dissolves as the ritual progresses, drawing us into unity with our companions and, ultimately, with the entire Universe.