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Contact us for any inquiries by filling out this form with your message or simply enter your email address to subscribe to the Zen Kannon newsletter. You will receive information about our activities and publications. You’ll be the first to receive articles from Lluís Nansen on his blog and the dates of upcoming courses.

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Contact information

ADDRESS: Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 665, baixos, Barcelona 08010 (Eixample)
Line 2: Tetuan (1 min. walk)
Line 4: Girona (4 min. walk)
Line 5: Verdaguer
Line 1: Arc de Triomf
Line 3: Passeig de Gràcia
BUS: Lines H12, 7, 54
TRAIN RODALIES: R4, R3, R1, RG1, R12: Arc de Triomf
BICING: Plaça Tetuan i Bailèn, 62
Contacting us using the form on this page is the most effective, especially if you want to receive the newsletter. If that doesn’t work, you can also use these methods:
email: [email protected]
Tel.: 649 649 759

butlletí newsletter

50% discount on the membership fee and all activities, with the Carnet Jove. If you are eligible, you should also subscribe to the newsletter for more benefits.

Why Subscribe to the Newsletter?

Subscribing to the Zen Kannon newsletter allows you to stay updated on all the latest news, events, and special promotions we offer. You will receive exclusive information about our courses and retreats, as well as tips and recommendations to improve your well-being and quality of life. You can start receiving teachings on Zen philosophy.
Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of our community and enjoy all the benefits we offer through our newsletter subscription. Subscribe now and start enjoying everything Zen Kannon has to offer!

Newsletter. Who Are We, Zen Kannon?

Zen Kannon is a group of Zen practitioners, led by Zen Master Lluís Nansen Salas, dedicated to meditation and the study of Zen teachings. They are known for their focus on compassion and wisdom, and for their deep commitment to spiritual practice.

In general, you can trust that the members of Zen Kannon are respectful people who seek the well-being of others and strive to live according to Zen principles.

However, as with any group or community, it’s important to get to know the people for yourself and form your own opinion.

That’s why, if you’re interested in joining Zen Kannon or participating in its activities, we recommend that you subscribe to the newsletter, contact us to book a free introduction to Zen meditation, and observe how we conduct ourselves in daily practice.

This way, you can determine whether you feel comfortable being part of our community or simply participating in our activities without commitment. For more information, our newsletter is a good source.

Is Zen a Religion?

Zen is a Buddhist school that originated in China and developed in Japan. Although it has religious influences, Zen focuses more on the practice of meditation and personal enlightenment than on the worship of deities or the observance of rituals.

Zen practitioners seek to achieve the awakening of consciousness through meditation and introspection, rather than relying on blind faith in a deity or a set of dogmatic beliefs. The experience of spiritual experiences with the guidance of a master who has received the Dharma transmission is the foundation of a good understanding. Our newsletter can provide insights into this practice.

Therefore, some consider Zen more as a way of life or a spiritual practice than as a religion in the traditional sense. However, for many followers of the Zen Buddhist school, the practice of meditation and the pursuit of enlightenment have profound religious and spiritual significance.

Can You Participate in Zen Kannon Activities Without Belonging to a Religion?

Yes, at Zen Kannon, everyone is welcome to participate in its activities, regardless of their religious affiliation or personal beliefs.

Zen Kannon promotes inclusion and respect for all beliefs, fostering an atmosphere of openness and tolerance. The practices and teachings of Zen Kannon are designed to help people find inner peace, harmony, and balance in their lives, regardless of their religious or confessional background. We invite you to stay informed through our newsletter.

So, if you are interested in participating in Zen Kannon’s activities, don’t hesitate to do so, as you will be welcomed at the Zen center with open arms, regardless of your religion or beliefs.

Can You Practice Zen as a Layperson?

Yes, you can definitely practice Zen as a layperson. Although Zen has traditionally been associated with monastic life in monasteries, many people now practice Zen in their daily lives without being Zen monks.

Practicing Zen as a layperson can include daily meditation, mindfulness in daily activities, participation in weekend retreats, or even longer meditation programs. You can also study Zen texts, attend talks or lectures on the subject, and seek the guidance of a Zen master to deepen your practice. It’s important to remember that this teaching is transmitted from master to disciple. To stay connected, many laypersons subscribe to our newsletter.

What matters is that you find ways to integrate Zen practices and philosophy into your daily life, adapting them to your circumstances and needs. Practicing Zen can help you cultivate calmness, mental clarity, and compassion, and live more consciously and fully. Feel free to explore Zen as a layperson and discover the benefits it can bring to your life!