zen meditation center

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Zen meditation center in Barcelona

Welcome to the Kannon Zen Meditation Center of Barcelona. We are a space dedicated to the study, practice, and dissemination of Zen, an ancient spiritual path that was introduced to Europe by Zen master Taisen Deshimaru. This study and practice are primarily carried out through Zen meditation, known as zazen. Through zazen, we become aware of the reality of our existence in the present moment, and from this awareness arises the wisdom that harmonizes our lives. If you want to learn to meditate, strengthen your meditation habit, or simply get to know this tradition, come for a free introduction or contact us.

Courses, retreats, and Zen activities

Experience Zen at the meditation center

Zen is not just a philosophy but also a way of understanding art and life. It is a way of living by following a spiritual path that leads us toward the awakening of consciousness. Through its practice, Zen invites us to understand and explore our true nature, rediscover inner peace, and develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Discover the zen meditation center

At our meditation center, we believe that Zen can offer a precious refuge amidst the uncertainty and stress of modern life. The study and practice of Zen can help cultivate compassion, patience, wisdom, and tranquility, promoting a more balanced and fulfilling existence.

Group Meditation at the Zen Center

We offer a variety of activities and teachings, from group meditations and spiritual retreats to Dharma study courses, all designed to accommodate everyone, regardless of their level of experience or prior knowledge of Zen. We invite you to join us, explore the Zen path, and discover how these teachings can enrich your life.

Zen Kannon

Zen Kannon is a Zen meditation center in Barcelona. It offers meditation sessions every day, with morning, midday, and evening schedules, as well as on weekends. In general, sessions are available every day of the year. The center is located in the heart of Barcelona, at Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 665, near Plaça Tetuan, with the clear intention of making it easily accessible.

Existential suffering

If you often suffer from stress, anxiety, depression, or generally struggle with a lack of focus. Or, on the other hand, if you feel that emotions dominate you, that impulses drag you down, or worse, that obsessions block you. Or if, conversely, you want to increase your concentration. Or differently, enhance your capacity for compassion, learn to feel empathy in your relationships with others. Or even more, if you can’t find meaning in your life, and above all else, you desire to be happy and free yourself from suffering along with all beings. If, ultimately, you want to open your heart to all beings and the entire universe….

Come and try a free meditation session.

Come practice zazen every day at the meditation center. Learn right now how to integrate this ancient practice into the heart of your fast-paced life, filled with commitments that you ultimately believe are inescapable, even though they might not be. In reality, these commitments exist only in your mind. So, come to the dojo to observe your mind, without filters, without adding anything.

Without a doubt, this is seeing reality as it truly is. In other words, this is what it means to have an awakened mind: the mind that finally sees reality as it is. And with an awakened and liberated mind, return to the world and help others to be happy. Indeed, only then can we truly be happy ourselves. Because, in truth, we free ourselves from the heaviest burden of all: our limited, small self.

Courses and training

Come and take the Zen meditation courses in Barcelona, as well as Zen mindfulness. Then, proceed to the Zen mindfulness of compassion course, aimed at quickly activating its great healing power for your old wounds, such as your bad temper, and ultimately, your past karma.

Zen practice retreats

Also, come and participate in the regular retreats held in a countryside house, surrounded by nature, or in urban retreats at the meditation center itself. Learn to truly live with others. Because, as we said, we can only be happy when we understand that we do not exist separately from others. The importance of learning to share, to give, to let go of attachments is undeniable, as only by letting go can we feel lighter.

After all, Zen, grounded in the daily practice of Zen meditation, zazen, is already a universal path of liberation. With over 2,500 years of history, it is clearly not something that was invented just a few days ago. In any case, try it at least once. After all, while reading meditation books is great, there is no doubt that simply reading books has never completely liberated anyone.

zen practice

Furthermore, regardless of your background, language, gender, sexual orientation, or ideas, it doesn’t matter—the practices are conducted in silence. What unites such different people is, after all, their ability to let go of their own attachments, or in other words, their capacity to turn their gaze inward. This is how true and deep harmony is created among human beings..

Master zen Lluís Nansen

Eventually, Master Lluís Nansen Salas can accompany and guide you in your learning journey in a personalized way. You can also simply listen to his teachings during meditation. You may practice meditation in a secular manner, simply to calm your mind and relax. Or you can follow a spiritual path and, consequently, take refuge in the Three Treasures and make the Bodhisattva vows. Later on, you may even receive ordination as a Zen monk or nun.

Finally, the meditation center is a non-profit association, organized so that we can meditate together. Through Zen practice in Barcelona, we offer everyone the opportunity to learn about and practice this ancient path of mental liberation.